Huber Group International News

HUBER premia i migliori tirocinanti 2024 16.12.2024  | Anche nel 2024 i tirocinanti hanno portato a termine la loro formazione presso HUBER. I sei tirocinanti con ottime valutazioni complessive, calcolate sulla base del certificato finale della scuola professionale e dell'esame finale, sono stati premiati dall'azienda con un attestato. More...
HUBER récompense les meilleurs apprentis diplômés en 2024 16.12.2024  | En 2024, les apprentis ont une fois de plus terminé leur formation chez HUBER avec succès. L’entreprise a récompensé les six apprentis ayant obtenu la meilleure moyenne générale, calculée à partir du certificat final de l’école de formation professionnelle et en fonction de l’examen final, en leur offrant un certificat. More...
HUBER distingue a los/as mejores graduados/as de la formación 2024 16.12.2024  | Un año más, los aprendices y aprendizas han completado con éxito su formación en HUBER en 2024. Los seis aprendices y aprendizas con la mejor nota general, calculada a partir del certificado final de la escuela profesional y del examen final, han sido distinguidos por la empresa con un certificado. More...
HUBER continua a crescere a livello internazionale: inaugurazione della nuova sede in Italia 15.11.2024  | HUBER SE ha festeggiato il suo trasferimento in una sede più ampia a Rivanazzano Terme, in Italia (Lombardia). In seguito alla crescita significativa della filiale HUBER Italia negli ultimi anni, si è reso necessario un ampliamento degli uffici e delle aree di montaggio e logistica. More...
HUBER poursuit sa croissance à l’échelle internationale avec un nouveau site inauguré en Italie 15.11.2024  | HUBER SE a fêté son déménagement vers un site plus grand à Rivanazzano Terme, en Italie (région Lombardie). En raison de la forte croissance de la filiale italienne de HUBER ces dernières années, il a fallu agrandir les bureaux et la surface dédiée au montage et à la logistique. More...
HUBER sigue creciendo a nivel internacional: inauguración de una nueva sede en Italia 15.11.2024  | HUBER SE ha celebrado su traslado a una planta más grande en Italia, en Rivanazzano Terme (región de Lombardia). Debido al significativo crecimiento de la filial de HUBER Italia en los últimos años, se hizo necesario ampliar el espacio de oficinas, así como las áreas de montaje y logística. More...
HUBER SE da la bienvenida a 26 aprendices y aprendizas, así como a 2 estudiantes duales, que inician su formación en 2024 02.09.2024  | El lunes 2 de septiembre, HUBER SE dio la bienvenida a 26 aprendices y aprendizas, así como a 2 estudiantes duales, con motivo del inicio de la formación de 2024. Durante unas jornadas de presentación, pueden conocer la empresa, la sede de la empresa en Berching y a sus nuevos compañeros, comenzando así su vida profesional. More...
HUBER SE a accueilli 26 apprentis et 2 étudiants en alternance au début de la formation en 2024 02.09.2024  | Le lundi 2 septembre, HUBER SE a accueilli 26 apprentis et 2 étudiants en alternance pour le début de la formation en 2024. Au cours d’un programme d’introduction sur plusieurs jours, ces jeunes ont découvert l’entreprise, leurs nouveaux collègues et le siège de l’entreprise à Berching et ont débuté leur vie professionnelle. More...
HUBER SE ha dato il benvenuto a 26 tirocinanti e a 2 studenti in studio duale nel giorno di inizio della formazione 2024 02.09.2024  | Nella giornata di lunedì 2 settembre HUBER SE ha dato il benvenuto a 26 tirocinanti e a 2 studenti in studio duale nel giorno di inizio della formazione 2024. Nell'ambito di un evento di inserimento durato diversi giorni, hanno fatto conoscenza con l'azienda, i loro colleghi e la sede centrale di Berching e dato inizio alla loro carriera. More...
HUBER SE dona 3500 euros al centro infantil de Wissing 29.08.2024  | HUBER SE ha donado 3500 euros al hogar infantil de Wissing, que sigue la filosofía Montessori. El pasado 27 de agosto de 2024 se entregó un cheque simbólico destinado a sufragar una nueva casa de juegos y equipamientos. Georg Huber, CEO y accionista de HUBER SE, entregó el cheque simbólico junto con el presidente del comité de empresa Robert Freygang y la miembro del comité de empresa Tamara Neumeier a Kerstin Böhle, Sabrina Dischner y Lea Krotter, que representan a todo el equipo del hogar infantil. More...
HUBER SE fait don de 3 500 euros au foyer pour enfants de Wissing 29.08.2024  | HUBER SE a fait un don de 3 500 euros au foyer pour enfants Montessori de Wissing. Le chèque symbolique pour une nouvelle maison de jeux équipée a été remis le mardi 27 août 2024. Georg HUBER, PDG et actionnaire de HUBER SE, a remis le chèque symbolique avec le Président du comité d’entreprise Robert Freygang et la membre du comité d’entreprise Tamara Neumeier à Kerstin Böhle, Sabrina Dischner et Lea Krotter, représentant toute l’équipe du foyer pour enfants. More...
HUBER SE dona 3.500 euro alla Casa Dei Bambini di Wissing 29.08.2024  | HUBER SE ha donato 3.500 euro alla Casa Dei Bambini Montessori di Wissing. L'assegno simbolico è stato consegnato matedì, 27 agosto, per una nuova struttura ricreativa con attrezzature. Georg HUBER, CEO e shareholder di HUBER SE, ha consegnato l'assegno simbolico insieme al Presidente del Consiglio di Fabbrica Robert Freygang e al membro del Consiglio di Fabbrica Tamara Neumeier a Kerstin Böhle, Sabrina Dischner e Lea Krotter, che rappresentano l'intero team della Casa Dei Bambini. More...
A más de 2400 metros de altitud: Realización de mantenimiento por parte de HUBER en el refugio de montaña austriaco Bremer Hütte, según encargo de la Asociación Alpina Alemana 05.08.2024  | Recientemente, HUBER Global Service ha completado con éxito un mantenimiento muy especial en Austria. En colaboración con la Asociación Alpina Alemana (DAV, por sus siglas en alemán), se realizó el mantenimiento y la optimización de las instalaciones de tratamiento de aguas residuales del refugio de montaña austriaco Bremer Hütte. More...
À plus de 2 400 mètres d’altitude : Mission de service de HUBER pour le Club alpin allemand à la Bremer Hütte en Autriche 05.08.2024  | HUBER Global Service a récemment mené à bien une mission de service très spéciale en Autriche. En collaboration avec Club alpin allemand (DAV), les installations de traitement des eaux usées de la Bremer Hütte ont été révisées et améliorées. More...
A un'altitudine di oltre 2.400 metri: incarico di assistenza HUBER per l'Associazione Alpina Tedesca presso il Bremer Hütte in Austria 05.08.2024  | L'Assistenza Globale HUBER ha recentemente completato brillantemente in Austria un incarico di assistenza molto speciale. In collaborazione con l'Associazione Alpina Tedesca (DAV), gli impianti di trattamento delle acque reflue presso il rifugio Bremer Hütte sono stati sottoposti a manutenzione e ottimizzati. More...
Major Aquafin project: 5 HUBER Belt Dryers BT for the thermal treatment of more than 120,000 tonnes of sewage sludge per year 25.07.2024  | HUBER SE will supply a total of five HUBER Belt Dryer BT units to the Belgian company Aquafin for the two sites in Roeselare and Beringen. The plants for drying and thermal utilisation of sewage sludge will treat a minimum capacity of 32,500 tonnes of dry substance or 120,446 tonnes of original substance with a dry residue (DR) content of 27% per year. In addition to the HUBER belt dryers, the scope of supply includes the entire wet sludge logistics, cooling water supply, exhaust air treatment for the dryer and bunker exhaust air as well as the treatment and storage of the dry sludge. The total order for HUBER SE for approx. 40 million euros was placed in mid-2023. More...
Importante proyecto para Aquafin: 5 secadores de cinta HUBER BT para el tratamiento térmico de más de 120 000 toneladas anuales de lodos residuales 25.07.2024  | HUBER SE suministrará un total de cinco secadores de cinta HUBER BT a la empresa belga Aquafin para las dos plantas de Roeselare y Beringen. Las plantas de secado y aprovechamiento térmico de lodos residuales tratarán una capacidad mínima de 32 500 toneladas de materia seca o 120 446 toneladas de materia original con un contenido de residuo seco (RS) del 27 % al año. More...
Le grand projet Aquafin : 5 sécheurs à bande BT de HUBER pour la valorisation thermique de plus de 120 000 tonnes de boues d’épuration 25.07.2024  | HUBER SE livrera au total cinq sécheurs à bande BT produits de HUBER à la société belge Aquafin pour les deux sites de Roeselare et Beringen. Les installations de séchage et de valorisation thermique des boues d’épuration auront une capacité minimale de traitement de 32 500 tonnes de matière sèche ou 120 446 tonnes de substance d’origine avec une teneur en résidus secs (DR) de 27 % par an. More...
Progetto Aquafin di grande rilevanza: 5 essiccatori a nastro HUBER BT per il trattamento termico di oltre 120.000 tonnellate di fanghi di depurazione all'anno 25.07.2024  | HUBER SE fornirà complessivamente cinque essiccatori a nastro HUBER BT alla società belga Aquafin per i due siti di Roeselare e Beringen. Gli impianti per l'essiccazione e lo sfruttamento termico dei fanghi di depurazione tratteranno una capacità minima di 32.500 tonnellate di sostanza secca o 120.446 tonnellate di sostanza originaria con un contenuto di residuo secco (DR) del 27% all'anno. More...
Ceremonia oficial de colocación de cimientos: HUBER ThermWin para el mayor proyecto del mundo de transformación de aguas residuales en energía en Markham District Energy (Ontario, Canadá) 16.07.2024  | Markham District Energy (MDE) ha anunciado el inicio del mayor proyecto del mundo de transformación de aguas residuales en energía en su centro de energía de bajas emisiones de carbono en el centro de Markham. MDE utilizará el sistema HUBER ThermWin para recuperar y aprovechar energía a partir de las aguas residuales. Esto reducirá significativamente la huella de carbono y proporcionará energía a los residentes e infraestructuras de Markham. More...
Cérémonie de lancement officielle : HUBER ThermWin pour ce qui sera le plus grand projet mondial de transformation des eaux usées en énergie à Markham District Energy (Ontario, Canada) 16.07.2024  | Markham District Energy (MDE) a annoncé le lancement du plus grand projet mondial de transformation des eaux usées en énergie dans son Low Carbon Energy Centre situé dans le centre-ville de Markham. MDE utilisera le système HUBER ThermWin pour récupérer et utiliser l’énergie des eaux usées. Cela réduira considérablement l’empreinte carbone et fournira de l’énergie aux résidents et à l’infrastructure de Markham. More...
Cerimonia di inaugurazione ufficiale: HUBER ThermWin per il più grande progetto di energia dalle acque reflue al mondo presso la Markham District Energy (Ontario, Canada) 16.07.2024  | Markham District Energy (MDE) ha annunciato l'avvio del più grande progetto di energia dalle acque reflue al mondo presso il suo centro energetico a basse emissioni di carbonio nel centro di Markham. MDE utilizzerà il sistema HUBER ThermWin per recuperare e utilizzare l'energia dalle acque reflue. Ciò ridurrà significativamente l'impronta di carbonio e fornirà energia agli abitanti e alle infrastrutture di Markham. More...
HUBER at the record IFAT Munich 2024 05.07.2024  | World's leading trade fair for environmental technologies reflects global growth of the industry More...
HUBER en la feria de muestras Récord IFAT de Múnich 2024 05.07.2024  | La feria líder mundial de tecnologías medioambientales refleja el crecimiento global de la industria More...
HUBER à l’IFAT Munich 2024 05.07.2024  | Le plus grand salon mondial des technologies environnementales reflète la croissance mondiale du secteur More...
HUBER presso la Record IFAT Munich 2024 05.07.2024  | La fiera leader mondiale per le tecnologie ambientali riflette la crescita globale del settore More...
HUBER SE puts new assembly and logistics hall P4 into operation at its headquarters in Berching 20.06.2024  | HUBER SE has put the new assembly and logistics hall P4 into operation at its headquarters in Berching. The 5,500 m² hall will house assembly, logistics and dispatch of the HUBER Disc Filter RoDisc®, HUBER Pile Cloth Media Filter RotaFilt® and HUBER Belt Dryer BT machines, among others. The new hall will make the company's production even more efficient and flexible. More...
HUBER SE mette in funzione il nuovo capannone di montaggio e logistica P4 presso la sede centrale di Berching 20.06.2024  | HUBER SE ha messo in funzione il nuovo capannone di montaggio e logistica P4 presso la sua sede centrale di Berching. Il capannone di 5.500 m² ospita, tra l'altro, il montaggio, la logistica e la spedizione dei filtri a disco HUBER RoDisc®, del filtro a pettine HUBER RotaFilt® e dell'essiccatore a nastro HUBER BT. Il nuovo capannone renderà la produzione dell'azienda ancora più efficiente e flessibile. More...
HUBER SE met en service le nouveau hall de montage et de logistique P4 au siège de Berching 20.06.2024  | HUBER SE a mis en service le nouveau hall de montage et de logistique P4 sur son site principal à Berching. Le hall de 5 500 m² abritera le montage, la logistique et l’expédition des machines HUBER Disc Filter RoDisc®, HUBER Pile Cloth Media Filter RotaFilt® et HUBER Belt Dryer BT, entre autres. Le nouveau hall rendra la production de l’entreprise encore plus efficace et flexible. More...
HUBER SE pone en funcionamiento la nueva nave de montaje y logística P4 en su sede central de Berching 20.06.2024  | HUBER SE ha puesto en marcha la nueva nave de montaje y logística P4 en su sede central de Berching. La nave de 5500 m² albergará el montaje, la logística y el envío de las máquinas HUBER Disc Filter RoDisc®, HUBER Pile Cloth Media Filter RotaFilt® y HUBER Belt Dryer BT, entre otras. La nueva nave hará que la producción de la empresa sea aún más eficiente y flexible. More...
HUBER SE at IFAT 2024 06.02.2024  | HUBER will be presenting many exciting products and solutions for drinking water supply, wastewater treatment and sludge treatment at IFAT 2024 from 13 to 17 May. On a stand area of over 1,300 m² in Hall A2 at Stand 351 HUBER will be exhibiting numerous technology highlights. More...
HUBER Christmas party 2023 18.12.2023  | After a four-year pause, HUBER SE once again celebrated at the end of the year in the Europahalle Berching on Friday, 15 December. At this year's event, eight employees were honoured for 40 and 45 years of service. More...
Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke visits HUBER China as part of the 7th Sino-German Environmental Forum 2023 14.11.2023  | Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke visited the Chinese subsidiary of HUBER SE as part of the Sino-German Environmental Forum. The management of HUBER Environmental Technology (China) Co., Ltd. welcomed the Minister and gave her a tour of the production facility in Taicang (Jiangsu Province) after a joint exchange and company presentation. More...
Technical excursion for young water managers at HUBER 24.10.2023  | On Wednesday, 11 October 2023, HUBER SE welcomed about 35 young professionals from the German water industry at the company headquarters in Berching. More...
Impulses for the growth industry of the 21st century: CECEP China visits HUBER SE together with Umweltcluster Bayern 13.10.2023  | As part of its membership in the Bavarian Environmental Technology Cluster, HUBER in the person of Chief Sales Officer Rainer Köhler recently received the China Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Group (CECEP) from Beijing at the company's headquarters in Berching. More...
Supraregional interest in the wastewater symposium on the removal of micropollutants in Luxembourg 05.10.2023  | On Thursday, 5 October, the wastewater syndicate SIDEST (Syndicat Intercommunal de Dépollution des eaux résiduaires de l'Est) together with HUBER and ProMinent invited to the final symposium "Removal of Micropollutants and Water Reuse". More...
HUBER SE welcomes 20 apprentices and 1 student doing an on-the-job course to their training in 2023 20.09.2023  | On Friday, 1 September, HUBER SE welcomed 20 apprentices and 1 student doing an on-the-job course to the 2023 training year. As part of an induction event lasting several days, they were introduced to the company, their new colleagues and the company headquarters in Berching – thus launching their professional careers at HUBER. More...
Energy from wastewater: presentation of the HUBER ThermWin system with Bavaria's Minister of Finance and Home Affairs Albert Füracker at the House of Bavarian History Regensburg 02.08.2023  | Bavaria's Minister of Finance and Home Affairs Albert Füracker visited the Museum of Bavarian History in Regensburg today, Friday, and inspected a plant for recovering energy from wastewater. More...
HUBER at the 5th Luxembourg Water Info Day 11.07.2023  | HUBER participated in the 5th Luxembourg Water Info Day in Beringen/Mersch on Wednesday, 24 May. The event was organised together with the Association du Personnel des Stations d'Épuration Luxembourgeoises a.s.b.l. More...
With Bavaria's Environment Minister Glauber on site – Erlangen WWTP commissions HUBER Belt Dryer BT 16 27.04.2023  | On Wednesday, 26 April 2023, the new sewage sludge drying plant was commissioned at Erlangen WWTP. The heart of the plant is a HUBER Belt Dryer BT 16, which will reduce the amount of sewage sludge to be processed by about 70 % in the future. More...
HUBER SE inaugurates new production hall P3 20.04.2023  | On Wednesday, 19 April, HUBER SE inaugurated the new production hall P3 at the company’s headquarters in Berching/Erasbach. HUBER’s Executive Board and Supervisory Board inaugurated the new hall in the presence of Bavaria’s State Minister of Finance and Home Affairs Albert Füracker, District Administrator of Neumarkt i.d.OPf. Willibald Gailler, Berching’s Second Mayor Christian Meissner and the companies involved in the construction works. More...
Advisory Board Meeting of DWA Bavarian State Association at HUBER 19.04.2023  | On Tuesday, 18 April, the advisory board meeting of the Bavarian regional association of the German Association for Water, Wastewater and Waste (DWA) took place at HUBER SE. More...
World Water Day 2023: Accelerating Change 28.03.2023  | On March 22, 2023, the United Nations mark World Water Day. This day is an annual reminder of the special nature of water as an essential resource for all life – and more than ever of the global challenges associated with it. The motto of the International Water Day 2023 is: “Accelerating Change”. More...
Multidimensional mirror of reality: HUBER and digital twins for more customer benefit 27.03.2023  | Whether in the development of new machines, the production of a plant or in customer support by service staff: The areas of application of digital twins affect more and more areas in the company itself, but also in its environment. More...
A freight train full of energy 23.03.2023  | Editorial on the topic ”ENERGY AND SUSTAINABILITY” by Prof. Dr. Franz Bischof More...
HUBER SE honours apprentices for successful graduations 03.03.2023  | HUBER SE honoured eleven graduates of industrial apprenticeships for their successfully passed final exams. At the HUBER Forum in Berching/Erasbach, the executive board and trainers congratulated and wished the newly graduated professionals much success in their takeover departments and for their further career. More...
HUBER SE welcomes 26 new employees at company headquarters 24.01.2023  | On Friday, 20 January, HUBER SE welcomed 26 new employees at the company headquarters in Berching/Erasbach. During the official onboarding event, the new employees were given a tour of the production halls and an introduction to the HUBER working world by the HR department, and were then officially welcomed to the company by the board members Georg Huber, Dr. Oliver Rong and Rainer Köhler as well as the works council. More...
WTE Wassertechnik GmbH takes over the 50% share in sludge2energy GmbH of HUBER SE 06.12.2022  | WTE Wassertechnik GmbH, the service provider for the design and construction of plants for drinking water supply, wastewater disposal and thermal waste treatment, takes over HUBER SE's 50% share in sludge2energy GmbH. More...
Follow now: new Instagram channel of HUBER 02.12.2022  | An early Christmas present at the end of 2022: HUBER expands its social media channels and from now on also posts on Instagram about all news from Berching and the whole (HUBER) world. More...
Climate-friendly energy supply: HUBER SE supplies belt drying plant for RWE for thermal utilisation of sewage sludge in Germany 30.11.2022  | HUBER SE supplies two BT 30 belt dryers for a sewage sludge drying plant of the energy supply company RWE at the Knapsacker Hügel power plant in North Rhine-Westphalia. RWE is expanding the thermal utilisation of sewage sludge and other biogenic material there. More...
"Water Future of the Altmühl-Jura Region": successful round table of the Altmühl-Jura Regional Management at HUBER 22.11.2022  | On Thursday, 17 November, the HUBER Forum at the company's headquarters in Berching-Erasbach hosted a round table of the Altmühl-Jura Regional Management on the topic of “Water Future of the Altmühl- Jura Region”. After informative presentations on the future of water and the effects of climate change in the regions of Upper Palatinate and Southern Franconian Alps, a presentation of the HUBER company and subsequent networking discussions, the approximately 50 guests took part in a plant tour. More...
17th Meeting of the Working Group “Industrial Water Management” of German Water Partnership at HUBER 18.11.2022  | On Thursday, 17 November 2022, the 17th meeting of the German Water Partnership (GWP) working group “Industrial Water Management” took place at the headquarters of HUBER SE in Berching/Erasbach. Besides informative presentations, the highlight of the meeting, which focused on aquaculture – fish farming, was the factory tour at HUBER. A workshop on innovation and technology topics for the working group concluded the event. More...
150th company anniversary: HUBER receives certificate of honour from Chamber of Industry and Commerce 26.10.2022  | Great honour for the Berching-based company HUBER: On Tuesday, 18 October 2022, Silke Auer, head of the Neumarkt IHK office, presented the honorary certificate of the Regensburg Chamber of Industry and Commerce for Upper Palatinate / Kelheim, to which the district of Neumarkt belongs. More...
Largest single investment in the company's history: HUBER starts site expansion in the USA 20.10.2022  | HUBER is expanding its site in Denver, North Carolina for around 39.5 million US dollars. The official groundbreaking ceremony for the site expansion by around 13,000 m² took place on Friday, 7 October. More...
Order situation, site expansion, company development: Minister of State Albert Füracker informed himself on site at HUBER SE's headquarters 13.09.2022  | High-ranking visitor at HUBER SE in Berching: The Bavarian State Minister of Finance and Home Affairs, Albert Füracker, visited HUBER's headquarters on Thursday, 8 September. In a personal discussion with the board members Dr. Oliver Rong (Chief Engineering & Production Officer, Deputy Chairman) and Rainer Köhler (Chief Sales Officer), Minister of State Füracker learned about the current order situation, the expansion of the site with the construction of the new production hall and how the company is mastering the global challenges. More...
Training start 2022 at HUBER SE: 21 new trainees and 4 dual students start in professions with a future 02.09.2022  | On Thursday, 1 September, HUBER SE welcomed 21 trainees and 4 dual students for the start of training in 2022. During an introductory event to take several days, they get to know the company, their new colleagues and the company headquarters in Berching-Erasbach – and start their professional life in the “World of Clean Water”. More...
Five trainees of HUBER SE successfully complete their apprenticeship 08.08.2022  | On Tuesday, 2 August, HUBER SE honoured five graduates of different apprenticeships for their successfully passed final exams. In the HUBER Forum at the company’s headquarters in Berching-Erasbach, the trainers as well as the board of directors congratulated the now former apprentices and wished them much success in their takeover departments and for their further career. All graduates were taken on by the company. More...
HUBER SE receives award “Bavaria’s Best 50” by Bavarian Ministry of Economic Affairs 04.08.2022  | On Tuesday, 26 July 2022, HUBER SE was honoured by the Bavarian State Ministry of Economic Affairs, Regional Development and Energy as “Bavaria's Best 50” and thus as one of the 50 fastest-growing medium-sized companies in the Free State. At Schleißheim Castle north of Munich, Minister of State Hubert Aiwanger handed over the official certificate to Georg Huber, CEO of HUBER SE. More...
Four more years: Georg Huber re-elected to the board of German Water Partnership 11.07.2022  | Berching/Berlin - The ”board ship“ of German Water Partnership (GWP) has set sail for another four years: On Tuesday, 5 July, the 18th general meeting of GWP took place in Berlin on the seminar ship “Orca ten Broke“. Georg Huber, shareholder and CEO of HUBER SE, was elected to the GWP board for another term of office and thus for the next four years. More...
Two highlights in HUBER's anniversary year: Open House and "Platzfest" in Berching 08.07.2022  | The ”World of Clean Water“ opened the doors of its company headquarters: In bright sunshine, HUBER opened the gates of its corporate headquarters on Saturday, 2 July, from 8 am to 2 pm and invited the public to an open day. The interest of the visitors from the region was great, the cafeteria piazza accordingly full, the number of participants in the factory tours high. More...
“Head and heart always in Berching”: HUBER SE celebrated its 150th anniversary with a great party 29.06.2022  | 150 good reasons for a celebration in the home town of Berching: HUBER SE celebrated its 150th company anniversary on Saturday, 25 June 2022, with a great employee party at the fairground in Berching. As guests at the internal celebration, the management board and supervisory board welcomed employees from the company headquarters in Erasbach as well as service and field staff from all over Germany as well as Berching’s First Mayor Ludwig Eisenreich. More...
Successful world’s leading trade fair for environmental technologies: HUBER at IFAT 2022 07.06.2022  | 50 high-quality products and solutions from HUBER, a great many interested visitors and colleagues from all over the world: that was IFAT 2022, the World’s Leading Trade Fair for Environmental Technologies, which took place from May 30 to June 3 at the Munich Trade Fair Center. After IFAT 2020 had been cancelled due to the Corona pandemic, this year’s leading world trade fair proved to be very successful for HUBER. More...
New issue of HUBER Newsletter online 25.05.2022  | The up-to date May 2022 issue of our group-wide periodic email newsletter is now available on the HUBER websites, too. More...
HUBER Email Newsletter
HUBER SE at IFAT 2022 12.05.2022  | After four years of waiting, the time has come again: IFAT, the world’s most important trade fair in the field of environmental technologies, will take place at Messe München from 30 May to 3 June. HUBER will be presenting around 50 products in Hall A2 at Stand 351, including numerous new and further developments. More...
Excursions during IFAT 2022 29.04.2022  | On the occasion of IFAT 2022, we will again be offering interesting excursions to state-of-the-art facilities this year. Use the free chance to see first-hand innovative solutions and get an idea of which potential could be hidden also in your plant! More...
Cliché-free career orientation: Nine girls gain valuable experience at HUBER SE on Girls’ Day 28.04.2022  | On Thursday, 28 April, nine girls visited HUBER SE at the company’s headquarters in Berching to learn about apprenticeships in the fields of wastewater technology, construction, crafts, mechatronics and IT on Girls’ Day 2022. HUBER participated in Girls’ Day for the eleventh time. More...
Groundbreaking ceremony for the construction of a new production hall: HUBER SE expands the company headquarters for its 150th anniversary 06.04.2022  | In the year of its 150th anniversary, HUBER SE 2022 is expanding its corporate headquarters in Berching. On Wednesday, 6 April, the official ground-breaking ceremony for the construction of a new production hall took place; the completion of the construction is also planned for this year. More...
IFAT 2022: HUBER en la feria líder mundial en tecnologías medioambientales celebrada en Múnich del 30 de mayo al 3 de junio de 2022 04.04.2022  | Tras cuatro años de espera, llega de nuevo el momento: la IFAT, la feria más importante del mundo en el ámbito de las tecnologías medioambientales, se celebra del 30 de mayo al 3 de junio en el recinto de ferias de Múnich. HUBER presenta en el pabellón A2 en el stand 351 unos 50 productos, entre ellos, numerosos avances y perfeccionamientos. More...
IFAT 2022 : HUBER SE sera présent au salon mondial des technologies environnementales à Munich du 30 mai au 3 juin 2022 04.04.2022  | Après quatre ans d’attente, l’IFAT, le salon le plus important au monde dans le domaine des technologies environnementales, se tiendra du 30 mai au 3 juin à la Foire de Munich. Dans le hall A2, stand 351, HUBER présentera une cinquantaine de produits, dont de nombreuses nouveautés et évolutions. More...
IFAT 2022: HUBER alla fiera di Monaco leader mondiale per le tecnologie ambientali dal 30 maggio al 3 giugno 2022 04.04.2022  | Dopo quattro anni di attesa, IFAT, la più importante rassegna mondiale del settore delle tecnologie ambientali, si terrà dal 30 maggio al 3 giugno presso il polo fieristico di Monaco di Baviera. Nel padiglione A2, stand 351, HUBER presenterà circa 50 prodotti, tra cui numerose novità e perfezionamenti. Un tema che catalizza l'interesse: la digitalizzazione. More...
Great supra-regional interest in the future topic "fourth treatment stage": successful HUBER Wastewater Symposium 24.03.2022  | On Wednesday, 23 March, HUBER SE hosted the first symposium "Advanced Wastewater Treatment for the Removal of Micropollutants" in Grevenmacher (Luxembourg). More...
The HUBER Multi-Rake Bar Screen RakeMax® – a success story with more than 3000 installed machines 22.03.2022  | RakeMax® number 3000: In the course of its almost 20-year success story, the HUBER Multi-Rake Bar Screen RakeMax® has become the flagship among screens and screening plants. Special milestone: the 3,000th machine has already left the company headquarters in Berching. More...
Eleven industrial-technical apprentices with successful graduations at HUBER 11.03.2022  | Successful graduates at HUBER: two technical product designers, four metalworkers specialising in construction technology and five precision mechanics specialising in mechanical engineering successfully completed their vocational training at HUBER at the beginning of the year. More...
HUBER SE further expands headquarters in Berching for the 150th anniversary of the company in 2022 18.02.2022  | HUBER SE is expanding its corporate headquarters in Berching in 2022: the groundbreaking ceremony is scheduled to take place within the next few months, with completion of the new building also planned for this year. The investment volume of the new production hall with a built-up area of 7,000 m² amounts to approximately nine million euros More...
In interview: Lucas Funari, Technical Sales Engineer at HUBER do Brasil 09.02.2022  | Lucas Funari works at HUBER do Brasil, the Brazilian subsidiary of HUBER SE, and has been supporting the Americas Sales team at the headquarters in Berching since September 2021. In the interview, he talks about his work at HUBER, what drives him as a real nature lover in his daily work and what it is like to work for a globally active company with a history of over 150 years. More...