HUBER Vortex Caixa de Areia Circular VORMAX

Grit separation through constant rotation

  • High grit separation through tangential feed introduction
  • Slowly rotating stirrer to support separation
  • Worldwide well-proven technology

Grit separation from wastewater helps prevent operational problems such as grit sedimentation, increased wear and blockages. The screened wastewater enters the VORMAX at the bottom of the grit chamber where tangential rotational movement is generated due to the curved vortex chamber.

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A constantly rotating stirrer helps support the wastewater circulation within the grit chamber ensuring a constant velocity of rotation within the complete grit trap system even under dry weather conditions. Due to the constant radial rotation the solids are very quickly collected within the centre of the grit chamber from where they then pass into the bottom of the grit collection tank. The grit-free wastewater then exits and flows onto the next treatment step.

Centrifugal or airlift pumps can then deliver the collected solids from the grit collection tank into a grit classifier or grit washer where the solids can then be subsequently separated and dewatered and organic particles removed.



The advantages of the HUBER Vortex Grit Chamber VORMAX

  • Compact, space-saving design
  • High grit separation efficiency
  • Low energy demand
  • Throughput capacity up to 3000 l/s
  • Low pressure loss
  • Optional concrete tank design
  • Minimum wear, reduced maintenance
  • Optional subsequent grit washing


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